  • What is entry fee?

    We can consider the following short formula for entry fees:

    Import duty: 4% customs duty + commercial profit + other duties (except tax)

    Entry fees and service charges, regardless of whether the goods are new or used according to the prescribed source, are collected by the customs or service providers in the national currency, respectively. VAT is also levied by customs but is not recognized as an entry fee.

  • What is commercial profit?

    Trade profit is an amount determined by the Foreign Trade Monopoly Law in accordance with the approval of the Cabinet. In fact, if we want to have a comprehensive definition of the term commercial profit, we must define it along with customs duties and import duties to better define the role of commercial profit in Iran's foreign trade. Commercial profit is a type received by customs, the amount of which is determined by the government, and customs is responsible for collecting it from goods entering Iran.

  • What is customs duty?

    Funds received at customs from imported goods are divided into several categories.

    One is salaries and duties, which is a kind of indirect tax.

    Another is the cost of service; Such as the cost of unloading and loading, testing, standardization and warehousing.

    Fees and tolls are collected by customs, but costs are collected by service providers such as the Ports Authority, at ports, public warehouses at local customs, and the National Standards Organization. The import duty defined in paragraph (h) of Article 1 of the Customs Law consists of two parts: 1. Customs duty (which is 4% for all goods and is imposed by the parliament). 2. Commercial profit determined by the government. Of course, taxes and other duties, such as 8% of VAT, 4% of cultural goods, 5% of total customs duties and commercial profits as the Red Crescent are also collected from the import of various goods and according to the type and volume of goods.

  • What are the requirements for renewing a business card?

    Qualification conditions and criteria for measuring business activity for business card applicants:

    1. Having at least 3 years of business card history, whether connected or disconnected, for people who have not renewed their card for more than two years, is considered as a history of business activity.

    2. Provide positive evidence of engaging in domestic or foreign business that shows three years of activity of the applicants, such as one of the following:

    2.1) Submitting a confirmation of three years of cooperation in business affairs in reputable economic and commercial enterprises (natural and legal persons) by presenting the relevant certificate such as: a- Recruitment order based on the approval of the CEO, board member, business management Or sale b- Employment order or submission of social security insurance list based on the tenure of a business affairs expert or other related activities

    2.2) Submitting a tax return

    2.3) Submitting a valid business license in the name of the applicant in related fields that is at least 3 years old from the date of issuance.

    2.4) Having at least three years of active membership, affiliated or separate in economic organizations with the approval of the relevant organization

    2.5) Submitting an industrial license obtained from the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade or other activity certificates from the relevant ministries and authorities.

    2.6) Having a relevant university degree, whether domestic or foreign (business management, economics, law, customs, industry and production)

    2.7) Other cases at the discretion of a commission consisting of two members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture or the relevant Chamber of Cooperation as the case may be and the head of the Industry, Mining and Trade Organization

  • What are the documents required to obtain a business card of a natural person?

    1. The original declaration of registration in the commercial offices.

    2. The original certificate of sealing the offices in the Companies Registration Office.

    3. Certificate of no criminal record.

    4. The original certificate related to the last year of operation stating that the issuance of a business card in this year is unimpeded

    5. Original identification documents.

    6. Original diplomas.

    7. Being 23 years old.

    8. The original end of service or exemption card.

    9. The original certificate of good bank credit.

    10. Introducing a new economic code.

  • What are the conditions for receiving a business card?

    The merchant must first register his institution in the Commercial Registry and have sealed commercial offices, as well as accept membership of the local Chamber of Commerce. In the case of commercial companies, a business card is issued in the name of the responsible manager of the company. Businessmen who apply for a business card must submit their business information to the Chamber of Commerce according to the forms printed by the Chamber of Commerce and be introduced by two members of the Chamber of Commerce. The issuance of a business card to foreign merchants and companies is subject to a reciprocal transaction. That is, foreign merchants are given a business card if their country also allows Iranian merchants to do business.

  • What is a business card and by what authority is it issued?

    Business card is a document that any natural or legal person can export and import goods according to Article 2 of the Export and Import Law approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 2/4/1372. This card covers all stages of trade, from order registration and clearance of goods to import from free zones or the right to work in customs and export of authorized goods. In fact, it can be said that the import and export of goods is not free for all traders and only traders who have a business card are allowed to import and export goods. This card will be issued by the branches of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines.

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